Supervisor, Active Living Centre - OACAO

Supervisor, Active Living Centre

Type: Full Time Position

Location: North York

Organization: North York Seniors Centre

Posted On: 06/29/2018

Application Deadline: 07/13/2018

Additional Information: Job Listing PDF

How to Apply:

Responsibilities: Hire, supervise, evaluate Active Living Centre team & 3rd party service providers. Work with a team to plan, monitor and support daily operations and programming. Oversee all aspects of facility management for the Hendon site Develop and enforce program policies. Monitor department budget, process invoices Monitor, evaluate, report on all departmental plans (risk, H&S, outcome evaluation, complaints, accessibility, satisfaction, strategic, quality improvement & accreditation). Promote a safe and healthy work environment. Participate in continuous quality improvement processes including research and development of best practices. Promote and maintain a high standard of customer service that is client focused.

To apply for this position, please do so in the manner specified in this job posting. Questions? Contact Us