Supervisor, In-Home Services - OACAO

Supervisor, In-Home Services

Type: Full Time Position

Location: Toronto

Organization: North York Seniors Centre

Posted On: 12/04/2019

Application Deadline: 12/20/2019

Additional Information: Job Listing PDF

How to Apply: email

Responsibilities: Coordinate and supervise delegated act, Coordinate and facilitate staff training, Conduct client in home assessments and re-assessments and prepare client care plan in accordance to the service’s eligibility criteria and guidelines, Refer clients internally and / or externally when client change in health condition; prepare and submit client status reports and maintain an accurate and current client
database, Participate in continuous quality improvement processes and assist in research and development of best practices, Follow the on-call schedule, monitor the cell phone after office hours and on weekends, Promote a safe and healthy work environment, Promote and maintain a high standard of customer service that is client focused.

To apply for this position, please do so in the manner specified in this job posting. Questions? Contact Us